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DA2 Mini Militia - Tricks For A Guaranteed Win!

At Times, Mini Militia can be a forbidding and difficult game for newcomers - But Not to worry!

We Are Here to make your Mini Militia Experience one helluva great one! Here are some tricks, tips and other info about the game that will make that catacombs match with Joey a Walk in the park.

Many of us have died a horrible death at the hands of the formidable grenade, an eternal enemy of ours. But only a few of us know that it is possible to survive a nade - even at close range!

If you crouch when hit, you can survive even the deadliest of frag grenades!

Just Like from the last tip, you can also reduce bullet damage by crouching!

The legends of the legends, even players of the GGC Can't withstand the power of the sawgun!

This makes It worth It to master tricks with the sawgun.

One of the most Used tricks is that of blocking the paths in catacombs. While falling down, use your rocket boots to stand still at a place and then fire the sawgun. After firing, Immediately Start propelling yourself downwards.

You Could also learn to angle your shots so that you get multiple kills.

If you melee while using your boots, you will be propelled towards the direction wich your avatar is facing! The heavier your equipped weapon, the more is the boost you get.

Remember - this is not applicable to falling.

You might not think so, but mostly our shots miss the aim!

Try practising your aim in catacombs (mostly because it has short columns)

I definitely recommend watching games@glance's channel - he's a great player and gives wonderful tips.

That is all for this blog! If you like this post, subscribe to my blog so that you get notified whenever I post.

Download DA2 Mini Militia for Android and iOS HERE.

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